Minnie Erickson

Aug 19, 2021

How To Make Someone Smile Today

For about $5 or less, send someone...

1. ☕️ A $5 Venmo/PayPal/Zelle and say something like, "But first, coffee! Just thinking of you!"
2. 📹 A quick video sharing a funny story or a trip down memory lane. Remember that time we did XYZ, I had so much fun and was thinking of you!
3. 😃 A compliment. You are such an amazing mom, dad, friend, sister, brother, cousin, coworker, boss, etc.
4.🍩 A treat, it can be made or their favorite store-bought treat. Just leave it on their doorstep or desk and call/text to let them know!
5.💌 A greeting card with a personalized note telling them you're appreciative of them being in your life. You can do this from the comfort of your home, or wherever you happen to be!