Minnie Erickson

Mar 22, 2023

The Break Up Box

Do you remember your big break up?

What would have made you feel better outside of time?
It brought me back to when the same thing happened to me.
Sometimes people do hurtful things, break up with you out of the blue after years together.

But one must remember...It's not you; it's them.
It's hard to see that as you grieve the loss.
It's like a death.

Stay true to yourself as you go through this, and you'll eventually see the light. It's important to feel those feelings and not contact them!

Often times there’s something behind it, and the truth will set you free.

Hang in there; you got this! There will be hard days as well as good ones. In due time you'll feel good again.

This box included self-care items: local chocolates, face mask, cozy blanket, she enjoys crossword puzzles, and Minnieology non-toxic candle.

Order this box for someone going through a break up or any other occasion.

I'll be in Texas celebrating my mom's 10 year anniversary with her husband. Enjoy 20% off all products except custom boxes until Sunday, March 26th. Items will ship starting March 29, 2023! Use code texas.

Minnieology soy wax candles or reed diffusers

✖ All scents are free of:

✖ Phthalates ✖ Parabens ✖ Acute toxins ✖ Carcinogens ✖ Mutagens ✖ Organ toxins

✖ Reproductive toxin

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